Stories Like the Art of Self Fashioning

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 · 27 ratings  · 7 reviews
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This is… icky at times. Incommunicable to rate. Mature read, but in a totally different manner from the usual. Morally… catchy.
Shayan Kh
3.5 stars.

Reading this fanfiction was such a weird experience for me. I unremarkably hate these kinds of fanfictions or protagonists. Merely information technology is and then well written that I couldn't put it down, and I liked information technology a lot. It is a unique fanfiction, and I practice recommend it to people who are tired of the same overused tropes in their fanfics.

3.v stars.

Reading this fanfiction was such a weird experience for me. I normally hate these kinds of fanfictions or protagonists. Only it is and so well written that I couldn't put it down, and I liked it a lot. It is a unique fanfiction, and I practice recommend it to people who are tired of the same overused tropes in their fanfics.

...more than
May 24, 2020 rated it it was ok
This review has been subconscious because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click here. Major spoilers.

Why didn't Harry transfigure a basilisk fang or another powerful poisonous creature to destroy the Horcrux if he can make powerful creatures that are loyal to him? I realized I had no more excuses to make later I asked myself this question at that point in the book. This fanfic had become far too illogical.

I hated Terry from the start. Terry is an annoying guy who feels the right to know everything. He's basically an alternating boy Ravenclaw version of Hermione. Why is he trusted

Major spoilers.

Why didn't Harry transfigure a basilisk fang or another powerful poisonous creature to destroy the Horcrux if he can make powerful creatures that are loyal to him? I realized I had no more excuses to make after I asked myself this question at that point in the book. This fanfic had become far too illogical.

I hated Terry from the outset. Terry is an annoying guy who feels the right to know everything. He'south basically an alternating boy Ravenclaw version of Hermione. Why is he trusted and central to the plot? Why is his need to know absolutely everything nigh Harry and his illegal activities tolerated past everyone? Their "friendship" is merely Terry forcing his way into and out of Harrys business organisation on repeat. Harrys feelings toward him consist of Harry being annoyed or confused past Terry trying to strength him to do things he doesn't want to do. As the author generally writes slash, I assume he was suppose to be a love involvement. Nevertheless, he is 100% an emotional manipulator who wore his way into Harry'south confidences by doling out guilt and undermining him. I really don't sympathise Terrys role in this kind of story. Peculiarly because Hermione or Ron could've been mildly adjusted into filling this office as Harrys randomly ignored biggest enemy pretending to be a friend (they fill this exact office towards Neville simply with less pushback). Why go though the problem of creating Terry for nothing. Especially since even Terry doesn't seem to want this task about of the fourth dimension! Which leads to the crux of the outcome: it's incommunicable for this friendship to be. Terry dislikes who Harry is as a person. Harry dislikes Terrys attempts to change him and live vicariously through him. How did this grade into a very intimate friendship? Why did the author create him? For pointless drama followed past a "dramatic" death (caused by an illogical sequence of events that contradicts established plot elements) and more shallow dramatics. Or as reader insert. Or for the lulz.

THEN REGULUS DIES IN THE Same STUPID MANNER. Harry is about caution and stealth and cunning and curing his parents most of all. Regulus is all of those things just healing Harry rather his parents. Harry has an unlimited amount of highly versatile deadly animals at his disposal and experience using them. Regulus has years of experience in Surviving. The "programme"? Rush into a known deadfall alone and self destruct to escape. Harry then (contradicting established plot elements) wishes he could've sacrificed himself instead in a heartfelt conversation IN THE MIDDLE OF COMBAT. Why go though the trouble of making perfectly good characters if you're just going to have abroad their characteristics for inexpensive drama? The only consolation is that at least this contrived death upshot was for a purpose. I would've preferred the more meaningful way of purposefully healing Harry established before, but I get that the author stalled/abandoned it at some point (probable without fully realizing) and needed a quick fix.

Too, Voldemorts actions don't brand sense if what he fears most is death. He also is shown to fright Harry but that isn't enough for him to recklessly pursue someone he knows is able to defeat him. It actually makes less sense. And for him to use his last Horcrux as a trap and otherwise leaving it defenseless? Actually odd beliefs. Same level of odd behaviors that other characters show often. Does the writer believe humans are and so mercurial? But now I'1000 merely nitpicking. I'm just disappointed about the depth this novel lost somewhere forth the way. Possibly the author struggled to finish this and only did so for the sake of their readers.

I likewise struggled to end this, but unlike the author I didn't accept loyal fans to motivate me. I'k dropping this here. Maybe I'll skim the last few affiliate to detect out what happens to his parents in the future.

- Dropped Ch 60/65

Edit: I skimmed the last few affiliate and they were much ameliorate. Mostly because they were a reflection of the beginning. I would've preferred non to wait until the very finish for everything to come together at once. This would've been a much better story if the writer didn't want to make the entire middle an endless struggle to go to a few paragraphs worth of achievements. A more realistic story too. I would've liked parent drama and plot depth on the acceptance of Harry's inhumanity over Terry drama, back and along about how inhuman Harry is, and other randomness.

...more than
Soham Panchamiya
Information technology'due south a fun read merely boy does it become bogged down in internal monologuing a lot. Overall, a keen ride and a fun examination of magical theory for hardcore fantasy lovers (which I enjoyed a swell deal). Characters were well drawn out and explicably diverged from catechism. I think the obstacles weren't challenging enough and Harry always won no affair what, which got a bit dull every bit the fic was winding down because it robbed the catastrophe of any stakes. But even so, a swell time-waster regardless. Information technology's a fun read just boy does it become bogged downward in internal monologuing a lot. Overall, a bully ride and a fun test of magical theory for hardcore fantasy lovers (which I enjoyed a smashing deal). Characters were well drawn out and explicably diverged from canon. I think the obstacles weren't challenging plenty and Harry e'er won no matter what, which got a bit dull as the fic was winding downwardly because information technology robbed the catastrophe of any stakes. But still, a great time-waster regardless. ...more
Sunjay Hauntingston
Feb 11, 2018 rated information technology it was amazing
Long, alternate universe story. Very enjoyable, especially how it challenged canon.
May 18, 2021 rated it actually liked it
earth building was 10/10 the fic itself was not really my type but regulus 🥺
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